Jogging and Ketogenic Eating

I started running jogging again, and that first run  jog was torturous. All I could feel was the heaviness of my butt and thighs. So I decided I need to work on my eating habits. At the suggestion of an awesome person, I have started the ketogenic diet. High protein and fats diet. Low carbs, no sugar, no starch. Tuesday was day two, dos, zwei. And it's certainly a challenging diet. I never knew how much carbs and sugars I'd been consuming!! Oink, oink! Starting diets on a Monday can get emotional. Today was better but still.....I MISS RICE AND BREAD!!!! *dramatic, pitiful, frantic howl*


I stepped into the black of night, hoping tonight's run jog would be an improvement from Monday's run. I stepped in dog shit Monday night and like a loser, I cut the run short. I only jogged like 20 minutes. So tonight I increased the running jogging time and ran for 45 minutes. But the most, longest I could run jog was five minutes before I couldn't go on. So I started intermittent running jogging. Run Jog 50 seconds, speed walk 10 seconds. But even that was hard for me tonight. Tonight just felt funny. Second Monday blues, I guess.

I wondered how I did this before and how on earth I could have loved running before. And I thought back to when I used to run tons. I was 27!!! Still young and vibrant. I'm 33 now and apparently that makes a difference. 189 pounds on a 27 year old body seemed easy to carry. But 172 pounds on a 33 year old body is hell-ish. I feel like at 33 my bones have become a little bit more brittle, my endurance is next to nothing, and I don't ever remember having this much gas on run when I was 27! I used to run during my lunch on a trail I scoped out myself, out on a lonely, winding road. Good shoes, lots of greenery, a property with goats, sounds of a nearby shooting range, and tiny little houses with shutters and wire fences. I ran in the heat of the sun, during rainy weather, and when the weather was too extreme for a run, I did an inside work out. 

How did I fall off my schedule? Oh well! Does it matter? I've begun again and I'm hating it but I'm feeling better and more at peace. Therapy is expensive. Running Jogging is cheaper. 


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