Dante's Inferno
I fell for a man once. The most brilliant man. Superman handsome who spoke as if he bled poetry. His voice and his words blending like velvet cake and cream cheese, silky and soothing with a sweetness that could only be described as divine. He made me want to try to live life more aggressively. He stimulated my mind in the way sex stimulates some men into action. I craved his words, so intelligent and filled with adventure and mystery. He was inquisitive, charming, thrilling, and I was sucked into a world that could only exist in my wildest dreams. Our conversations were endless, sleepless, and riveting. In all my life I'd never met someone who I could share all the little dreams and wishes and fantasies in my mind, but more than that, he inspired and encouraged me to create more fantasies and adventures. While in his company, I could feel all the words, all the emotion, all the creativity that had been locked up for so long flow like ocean waves, crashing on the edge of my con...